Hello everyone !! This series is all about learning automata theory in simple ways. The main focus here is to come up with articles that helps even a person with no CS background learn and understand this subject at a basic level.
In this series, I will be focusing on examples and definitions. Not much of proofs will be covered. If possible, I will try to include them as well.
The links to the articles are mentioned below :
- https://medium.com/@swarnasowminarayanan/part-1-a-gentle-introduction-to-automata-theory-1d1ae7d57a90?source=friends_link&sk=f6f6e7bbcdb61796d6e9a08151d06c6f
- https://medium.com/@swarnasowminarayanan/part-2-basic-definitions-and-terminologies-7f35047b27f8?source=friends_link&sk=acb6e082c07d5af0cd61856824537553
- https://medium.com/@swarnasowminarayanan/a-gentle-introduction-to-automata-theory-a44ddd1e6688?source=friends_link&sk=06707657cdfb360dfb5bcb042f16dc9d
Stay tuned for more upcoming articles………..